Tanika Harper

Do you know your skin type?

  Your skin type is determined by a combination of factors, including your genetics, hormones, lifestyle habits, and environmental conditions. These factors can affect the oil production of your skin's...


Do you know your skin type?

  Your skin type is determined by a combination of factors, including your genetics, hormones, lifestyle habits, and environmental conditions. These factors can affect the...


Why a Skincare Routine is Important?

  Having a morning skincare routine is just as important as night time cleansing. When we sleep our body produces oil on the surface of...


Are You Exfoliating?

Exfoliating is necessary. Exfoliating is probably one of the most important steps in any skin care routine. It not only helps remove dead skin cells...


Choose Safe, Reliable Skincare Products

It's been a few months but if you read our last blog post, you may be feeling defeated by the FDA and their system for...


Autoimmune Disorders and Skincare Ingredients

April is Sjogren's Awareness Month Why it’s important Tanika Harper, our founder, is personally affected by an auto immune disorder, Sjogren's, which is what led...


A Beginner's Guide to Using Natural Skincare Products

Hey friends. Lately, I have been  asked a lot of questions about why I started my natural skincare journey and where did I start. It...

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